Protección de Datos
Si cree que los piratas informáticos solo están interesados en las grandes empresas, piense de nuevo que el 90% de todas las violaciones de datos afectan a las pequeñas empresas. Al no estar protegido y tomar todas las medidas necesarias, puede resultar muy costoso no solo para sus clientes, sino también para su negocio.

• State-of-the-Art multi-layered security solution • Comprehensively monitor the security of your POS equipment. • Be equipped to accept new EMV® chip-based cards.

• State-of-the-Art multi-layered security solution • Comprehensively monitor the security of your POS equipment. • Be equipped to accept new EMV® chip-based cards.

• Assess your compliance levels with a fast and easy questionnaire. • Helps to monitor and detect possible tampering with your POS system. • Get an at-a-glance look at your overall data security and risk outlook.

• Assess your compliance levels with a fast and easy questionnaire. • Helps to monitor and detect possible tampering with your POS system. • Get an at-a-glance look at your overall data security and risk outlook.

• In the unlikely event of a data breach, get a liability waiver of up to $100,000 for card association fines and expenses

• In the unlikely event of a data breach, get a liability waiver of up to $100,000 for card association fines and expenses